
Don’t let your website be all style and no substance…

When assessing a website people often look at the surface attributes – the look of the site and how easy it is to navigate. These are essential elements but it’s important not to rely on style over substance. This is where content comes in.

In the past that meant the core text and images, and these are still essential for relevancy and SEO, however these days this has evolved to include ‘rich content’ i.e. video and audio files, downloadable brochures and fact sheets, info graphics, opinion and research pieces, blogs, articles and apps. Delivering richer information in an engaging, relevant and original manner creates stand-out in the market, strengthens the user experience and demonstrates how you add value from the outset.

This type of content also increases your ability to track and analyse how your audience are interacting with your site, what’s working and what could be improved.

Some tips to consider when creating content:

Keep it relevant and useful to your audience

Demonstrate expertise and insight

Update it regularly

Make it easy to find

Do contact us for a chat about how we could help you create interesting content for your website.